We are pleased to announce the availability of Reactis® for Simulink® V2023.2 and Reactis for C V2023.

Shared Updates - Reactis for Simulink and Reactis for C

Several of the new features of this release apply to both Reactis for Simulink and Reactis for C.

Linking Between Simulink Model and C Source Code

Reactis for Simulink V2023.2 and Reactis for C V2023 may be connected to support exploring and co-simulating a Simulink model and the C source code generated from it. Clicking on a Simulink block, Stateflow state or transition in Reactis for Simulink causes the model item to be highlighted along with corresponding line or lines of code in Reactis for C. Similarly, clicking on a line of code causes that line to be highlighted along with the corresponding model item(s). In Reactis Simulator, setting a breakpoint in the code causes one to be set in the model as well, so the code and model can be executed in lock step. Coverage and variable values can be simultaneously inspected in the code and model. Currently, the linking supports code generated by Embedded Coder® of the MathWorks.

Filter List Elements in a Number of Dialogs

Reactis includes many dialogs that display a list of items. For example, the Reactis Info File Editor includes panes with lists of inputs, outputs, and configuration variables. V2023.2 introduces an easy-to-use search facility for such lists. A filter box above each list let's you enter a search term to display only the subset of items in the list that match the term.

View C Header Files

The Reactis for C Plugin supports white-box testing of the C code parts of a model (S-Functions, C Caller Blocks, Stateflow Custom Code) and Reactis for C (standalone version) lets you test C code not contained in a model. When using either version of Reactis for C, Reactis Tester aims to exercise coverage targets within the C code and Reactis Simulator let's you step into C code for debugging and visualization of coverage information. V2023.2 extends each version of Reactis for C to support the display of header files (in addition to the already supported display of .c source files).

Other Improvements

  • Function call count section in test execution report is now optional.
  • Improved display and searching of documentation.

Reactis for Simulink Updates

In addition to the shared updates listed above, V2023.2 includes the following Reactis for Simulink-specific updates.

Newly Supported Simulink Features

  • MATLAB R2023b.
  • Data Store Memory block references.

Reactis for EML Plugin Updates

The Reactis for EML Plugin supports white-box testing of the Embedded MATLAB® parts of a model (MATLAB Function blocks and EML action language in Stateflow). When using the Plugin, Reactis Tester aims to exercise coverage targets within the EML code and Reactis Simulator let's you step into EML code for debugging and visualization of coverage information. V2023.2 adds support for Multiple Condition Coverage (MCC) in EML, and supports a number of new aspects of the Embedded MATLAB® language:

  • In MATLAB, vector indexing lets you extract an entire column or row from a matrix by using a colon (:) in the row or column component of a matrix indexing expression. For example, if X is a matrix, then X(:,i) extracts column i and X(j,:) extracts row j. V2023.2 extends vector indexing support in Reactis to include accessing a row or column from a matrix that is an element of a structure. If a model contains EML code using a structure A with matrix field B, then Reactis now supports the expression A.B(:,i) to extract a column and A.B(j,:) to extract a row.
  • Relational operators with matrix arguments, including scalar expansion (if a relational operator has one matrix and one scalar argument, then scalar expansion is applied to the scalar argument).
  • The third argument of the bitshift function to specify an assumed type for the first argument.
  • Integer arguments to the sign function.
  • Using the return values of functions with multiple return values to update the elements of structures and arrays, for example [x(1), y.z] = twoReturnVals();.
  • diff and cumsum functions.
  • The keywords nan and NaN to represent the double value Not a Number.
  • Ignore Embedded Coder directives of the form coder.directive( argument).

Other Improvements

  • For CSV import/export, specify index base (0 or 1) for vectors, matrices, and bus arrays.
  • Option to keep MATLAB open between invocations from Reactis

Reactis for C Updates

In addition to the shared updates listed above, V2023 includes the following Reactis for C-specific updates.

  • API support for enabling and disabling coverage tracking at the file level.

Reactis is a registered trademark of Reactive Systems, Inc. MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Embedded Coder, and Embedded MATLAB are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.

Best Regards,
The Reactis Team

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