1. General Reactis for C Functions#
1.1. rcOpen#
Start a Reactis for C API session.
1.1.1. Syntax#
1.1.2. Description#
- rcOpen
loads and initializes the Reactis for C API.
1.1.3. See Also#
1.2. rcClose#
End a Reactis for C API session.
1.2.1. Syntax#
1.2.2. Description#
- rsClose()
removes the Reactis for C API library and all associated files from MATLAB memory. All currently open .rsm and .rsh files, Tester or Simulator sessions will be closed without saving.
1.2.3. See Also#
1.3. rcGetCoverageMetrics#
Get coverage information from the most recent test run.
1.3.1. Syntax#
metrics = rcGetCoverageMetrics
1.3.2. Description#
- metrics = rcGetCoverageMetrics
returns coverage information as the result of the most recent call to rcSimRunSuite, rcTester, or rcTesterStart.
metrics is a structure array containing one element for each coverage metric tracked by Reactis. The structure contains the following fields:
- name
Name of the coverage metric.
- numTargets
Total number of coverage targets in this metric.
- numCovered
Number of covered targets for this metric.
- numUncovered
Number of uncovered targets for this metric.
- numUnreachable
Number of unreachable targets for this metric.
- percentCovered
Coverage percentage for this metric.
1.3.3. See Also#
1.4. rcGetParameterValue#
Get the value of a global Reactis for C parameter.
1.4.1. Syntax#
value = rcGetParameterValue(paramName)
1.4.2. Description#
- value = rcGetParameterValue(paramName)
returns the value of global Reactis for C parameter paramName.
Parameters of any data type may be queried by rcGetParameterValue. The return value is always a string.
Valid parameters names are listed in the Reactis Parameters section of the API chapter in the Reactis for C User’s Guide.
1.4.3. Examples#
v = rcGetParameterValue('UserName');
1.4.4. See Also#
rcGetParameterValueBool, rcGetParameterValueDouble, rcSetParameterValue
1.5. rcGetParameterValueBool#
Get the value of a global boolean typed Reactis for C parameter.
1.5.1. Syntax#
value = rcGetParameterValueBool(paramName)
1.5.2. Description#
- value = rcGetParameterValueBool(paramName)
returns the value of global boolean typed Reactis for C parameter paramName.
If the parameter is not of type boolean, then an error is raised.
Valid parameters names are listed in the Reactis Parameters section of the API chapter in the Reactis for C User’s Guide.
1.5.3. See Also#
1.6. rcGetParameterValueDouble#
Get the value of a global double typed Reactis for C parameter.
value = rcGetParameterValueDouble(paramName)
1.6.1. Description#
- value = rcGetParameterValueDouble(paramName)
returns the value of global double typed Reactis for C parameter paramName.
If the parameter is not of type double, then an error is raised.
Valid parameters names are listed in the Reactis Parameters section of the API chapter in the Reactis for C User’s Guide.
1.6.2. See Also#
1.7. rcSetParameterValue#
Set the value of a global Reactis for C parameter.
1.7.1. Syntax#
1.7.2. Description#
- rcSetParameterValue(paramName,value)
sets global Reactis for C parameter paramName to value.
Parameters of any data type may be set by rcSetParameterValue, but the paramValue argument must be given as a string.
Valid parameters names are listed in the Reactis Parameters section of the API chapter in the Reactis for C User’s Guide.
1.7.3. Examples#
rcSetParameterValue('LibraryPath', newSearchPath);
1.7.4. See Also#
rcGetParameterValue, rcGetParameterValueBool, rcGetParameterValueDouble
1.8. rcSetStringEncoding#
Set string encoding.
1.8.1. Syntax#
1.8.2. Description#
- rcSetStringEncoding(encoding)
sets the character encoding for strings returned by functions like rcGetLastError and rcTesterGetStatus. If not set, the strings will be UTF8 encoded.
1.9. rcVersion#
Return Reactis for C API version.
1.9.1. Syntax#
s = rcVersion
1.9.2. Description#
- s = rcVersion
returns the version of the Reactis for C API.
1.9.3. See Also#
1.10. rcVersionParse#
Parse Reactis version string.
1.10.1. Syntax#
major,minor,patch = rcVersionParse(version)
1.10.2. Description#
- major,minor,patch = rcVersionParse(version)
parses Reactis version string version (as returned by functions rcVersion or rcSuiteGetReactisVersion) and returns the major version, minor version, and patch number.