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Reactis for C API V2022

Reactis for C API

General Reactis for C Functions

rcOpenStart a Reactis for C API session.
rcCloseEnd a Reactis for C API session.
rcGetCoverageMetricsGet coverage information from the most recent test run.
rcGetParameterValueGet the value of a global Reactis for C parameter.
rcGetParameterValueBoolGet the value of a global boolean typed Reactis for C parameter.
rcGetParameterValueDoubleGet the value of a global double typed Reactis for C parameter.
rcSetParameterValueSet the value of a global Reactis for C parameter.
rcSetStringEncodingSet string encoding.
rcVersionReturn Reactis for C API version.
rcVersionParseParse Reactis version string.

Errors and Warnings

rcGetLastErrorReturns a string describing the most recent error.
rcSetWarningModeEnables/Disables automatic printing of warnings.
rcGetNextWarningReturns a string describing the next unread warning.
rcGetNumWarningsReturns the number of unread warnings.
rcClearWarningsClears all currently stored warnings.
rcSetMaxNumWarningsSets the maximum number of warnings stored.

Reactis Simulator

rcSimOpenStart a new Reactis for C Simulator session.
rcSimCloseClose a Reactis for C Simulator session.
rcSimExportSuiteExport a test suite to different formats.
rcSimImportSuiteImport test data to Reactis format.
rcSimImportSuitesImport multiple files into the same test suite.
rcSimRunSuiteRun a test suite in a Reactis for C Simulator session.
rcSimUpdateOutputsUpdate output values in a test suite.
rcSimExportCCoverageDetailsExport extended C coverage data to CSV format.

Reactis Tester

rcTesterCreate a test suite.
rcTesterStartInitiate the asynchronous creation of a test suite.
rcTesterStopStop running asynchronous test suite creation.
rcTesterCloseClose a Reactis for C Tester session.
rcTesterIsRunningTrue if test suite creation is still ongoing.
rcTesterGetProgressGet test suite generation progress.
rcTesterGetStatusGet test suite generation status.
rcTesterGetSuiteGet test suite after generation is finished.

Reactis Test Suites

rcSuiteOpenOpen an existing Reactis test suite file.
rcSuiteCloseClose a test suite file.
rcSuiteSaveSave changes to a .rsh file.
rcSuiteGetNumTestsGet number of tests in a test suite.
rcSuiteGetTestsGet information about tests in test suite.
rcSuiteGetReactisVersionGet Reactis version of test suite.

Reactis Build Files

rcRsmOpenOpen an existing .rsm file or create a new .rsm file.
rcRsmSaveSave changes to an .rsm file.
rcRsmCloseClose an .rsm file.
rcRsmGetSourceFilesGet the list of source files contained in an .rsm file.
rcRsmGetIncludeSearchPathGet the included file search path contained in an .rsm file.
rcRsmGetLibrariesGet the list of source files contained in an .rsm file.
rcRsmGetDefinesGet the macro definitions contained in an .rsm file.
rcRsmGetCoverageEnabledQuery whether coverage tracking is enabled for .rsm file.
rcRsmGetParameterValueGet the value of a project-specific setting.
rcRsmSetSourceFilesSet the list of source files contained in an .rsm file.
rcRsmSetIncludeSearchPathSet the included file search path contained in an .rsm file.
rcRsmSetLibrariesSet the list of libraries contained in an .rsm file.
rcRsmSetDefinesSet the macro definitions contained in an .rsm file.
rcRsmSetCoverageEnabledEnable or disable coverage tracking for .rsm file.
rcRsmSetParameterValueSet the value of a program-specific setting.
rcRsmStubGenerate a C source file containing stub definitions.

Reactis Harness Library (General)

rcRshOpenOpen an existing .rsh file or create a new .rsh file.
rcRshCloseClose an .rsh file.
rcRshSaveSave changes to an .rsh file.
rcRshGetParameterValueGet the value of a library-specific setting.
rcRshSetParameterValueSet the value of a project-specific setting.
rcRshGetCoverageEnabledGet enabled/disabled status of a coverage metric.
rcRshSetCoverageEnabledSet enabled/disabled status of a coverage metric.
rcRshGetEntryFunCandidatesFind functions which could potentially be used as an entry function in a test harness.
rcRshGetInitFunCandidatesFind functions which could potentially be used as an initialization function in a test harness.

Reactis Harness Library (Harnesses)

rcRshGetHarnessesGet a list of harnesses stored in an .rsh file.
rcRshHarnessCopyCopy a test harness.
rcRshHarnessCreateCreate a test harness.
rcRshHarnessImportImport a test harness from an .rsi file.
rcRshHarnessGetEntryFunFullNameGet the full name of the entry function used by a test harness.
rcRshHarnessGetEntryFunNameGet the name of the entry function used by a test harness.
rcRshHarnessGetNameGet the name of a test harness.
rcRshHarnessGetSampleRateGet the sample rate of a test harness.
rcRshHarnessGetVarsGet the variables used by a test harness.
rcRshHarnessSetSampleRateSet the sample rate of a test harness.
rcRshHarnessSyncSynchronize types between a test harness and associated program.

Reactis Harness Library (Variables)

rcRshHarnessGetVarCandidatesGet a list of available variables.
rcRshHarnessGetVarCandidateByFullNameFind a harness variable candidate by its full name.
rcRshHarnessAddVarAdd a variable to a test harness.
rcRshHarnessCheckVarCheck the suitability of a variable for use in a test harness.
rcRshVarGetFullNameGet the name of a test variable.
rcRshVarGetHarnessTypeGet the harness type of a test variable.
rcRshVarGetInternalTypeGet the internal type of a test variable.
rcRshVarGetKindGet the kind of a test variable.
rcRshVarGetNameGet the name of a test variable.
rcRshVarGetPropertiesGet the properties of a test variable.
rcRshVarHasPropertyTest a property of a variable.
rcRshVarSetHarnessTypeSet the harness type of a test variable.
rcRshVarSetInternalTypeSet the internal type of a test variable.
rcRshVarSetNameSet the name of a test variable.
rcRshVarDeleteDelete a variable.

Reactis Report Configuration

rcReportConfigCreate a report configuration.
rcReportConfigCloseClose a report configuration.
rcReportConfigGetItemsGet items included in coverage report configuration.
rcReportConfigGetSummaryMetricsGet summary metrics included in coverage report configuration.
rcReportConfigGetDetailMetricsGet detail metrics included in coverage report configuration.
rcReportConfigGetDetailStatusGet detail status included in coverage report configuration.
rcReportConfigSetItemsSet items included in coverage report configuration.
rcReportConfigSetSummaryMetricsSet summary metrics included in coverage report configuration.
rcReportConfigSetDetailMetricsSet detail metrics included in coverage report configuration.
rcReportConfigSetDetailStatusSet detail metrics included in coverage report configuration.

Embedded Coder

rcEcRshHarnessImportImport a test harness from an .rsi file.


rcTlDsfxpBuildBuild the TargetLink fixpoint library.
rcTlDsfxpGetIncludePathGet the Targetlink fixpoint include file search path.
rcTlRshHarnessImportImport a test harness from an .rsi file.