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Reactis API V2022

Reactis API

General Reactis Functions

rsOpenStart a Reactis API session.
rsCloseEnd a Reactis API session.
rsGUIStarts the Reactis GUI.
rsExtractSubsystemExtract a subsystem from a model and save in a new .slx file.
rsGetCoverageMetricsGet coverage information about previous test runs.
rsGetParameterValueGet the value of a global Reactis parameter.
rsGetParameterValueBoolGet the value of a global boolean typed Reactis parameter.
rsGetParameterValueDoubleGet the value of a global Reactis parameter of type double.
rsSetParameterValueSet the value of a global Reactis parameter.
rsSetStringEncodingSet string encoding.
rsUnpackBusInputsCreate wrapper with separate inport for each element of top-level bus inports.
rsVersionReturn Reactis API version.
rsVersionParseParse Reactis version string.
rsDoubleToPreciseStringConvert double-precision value to string encoding.
rsPreciseStringToDoubleConvert a string created by rsDoubleToPreciseString back to double.

Errors and Warnings

rsGetLastErrorReturns a string describing the most recent error.
rsSetWarningModeEnables/Disables automatic printing of warnings.
rsGetNextWarningReturns a string describing the next unread warning.
rsGetNumWarningsReturns the number of unread warnings.
rsClearWarningsClears all currently stored warnings.
rsSetMaxNumWarningsSets the maximum number of warnings stored.

Reactis Simulator

rsSimOpenStart a new Reactis Simulator session.
rsSimCloseClose a Reactis Simulator session.
rsSimExportSuiteExport a test suite to different formats.
rsSimImportSuiteImport test data to a Reactis format.
rsSimImportSuitesImport multiple files into a single Reactis test suite.
rsSimRunSuiteRun a test suite in a Reactis Simulator session.
rsSimUpdateOutputsUpdate output and test point values in a test suite.
rsSimUpdateSuiteUpdate values in a test suite.
rsSimExportCCoverageDetailsExport extended C coverage data to CSV format.

Reactis Tester

rsTesterCreate a test suite.
rsTesterStartInitiate the asynchronous creation of a test suite.
rsTesterStopStop running asynchronous test suite creation.
rsTesterCloseClose a Reactis Tester session.
rsTesterIsRunningTrue if test suite creation is still ongoing.
rsTesterGetNumStepsTakenGet test suite generation progress.
rsTesterGetProgressGet test suite generation progress.
rsTesterGetStatusGet test suite generation status.
rsTesterGetSuiteGet test suite after generation is finished.

Reactis Test Suites

rsSuiteOpenOpen an existing Reactis test suite file.
rsSuiteCloseClose a test suite file.
rsSuiteSaveSave changes to a test suite.
rsSuiteGetNumTestsGet number of tests in a test suite.
rsSuiteGetTestsGet information about tests in test suite.
rsSuiteGetReactisVersionGet Reactis version of test suite.

Reactis Info File (General)

rsRsiOpenOpen an existing or create a new .rsi file.
rsRsiCloseClose an .rsi file.
rsRsiSaveSave changes to an .rsi file.
rsRsiGetParameterValueGet the value of a model-specific setting.
rsRsiSetParameterValueSet the value of a model-specific setting.
rsRsiGetDependenciesReturn list of additional dependencies from the .rsi file.
rsRsiSetDependenciesSets the list of additional dependencies in the .rsi file.

Reactis Info File (Coverage)

rsRsiGetCoverageEnabledGet enabled/disabled status of a coverage metric.
rsRsiSetCoverageEnabledSet enabled/disabled status of a coverage metric.
rsRsiGetSystemCoverageTrackingGet coverage tracking status of a subsystem.
rsRsiSetSystemCoverageTrackingSet coverage tracking status of a subsystem.
rsRsiSetCumulativeCoverageEnable/Disable cumulative coverage tracking for a library system or referenced model.
rsRsiIsCumulativeCoverageQuery cumulative coverage tracking status for a library system or referenced model.
rsRsiGetCumulativeCoverageGet a list of systems for which cumulative coverage is enabled.

Reactis Info File (Harnesses)

rsRsiAddHarnessAdd a harness to an .rsi file.
rsRsiRemoveHarnessRemove a harness from an .rsi file.
rsRsiSetCurrentHarnessSet the currently active harness in the .rsi file
rsRsiGetCurrentHarnessGet the name of the currently active harness.
rsRsiGetHarnessesGet the a list of all harnesses defined in an .rsi file.
rsRsiGetHarnessParameterValueGet the value of a harness parameter
rsRsiSetHarnessParameterValueSet the value of a harness parameter

Reactis Info File (Inputs and Outputs)

rsRsiGetInputsGet input ports in the .rsi file.
rsRsiGetInputTypeGet the type of an input in the .rsi file.
rsRsiSetInputTypeSet the type of an input in the .rsi file.
rsRsiDeltaCreate a string representing a delta restriction.
rsRsiIfThenElseCreate a string representing a conditional type.
rsRsiRangeCreate a string representing a value range.
rsRsiSetCreate a string representing a value set.
rsRsiGetOutputsGet output ports in the .rsi file.
rsRsiGetOutputTypeGet the type of an output in the .rsi file.
rsRsiGetOutputToleranceGet the tolerance for an output in the .rsi file.
rsRsiSetOutputToleranceSet the tolerance for an output in the .rsi file.
rsRsiGetOutputIntervalsGet the coverage intervals specified for an output in the .rsi file.
rsRsiSetOutputIntervalsSet the coverage intervals specified for an output in the .rsi file.
rsRsiDefaultInputsReset input types in .rsi file to their defaults.
rsRsiDefaultOutputsReset output tolerances in .rsi file to defaults.
rsRsiDefaultAllCombines effects of rsRsiDefaultInputs and rsRsiDefaultOutputs.
rsRsiSyncInputsSynchronize input types between .rsi file and associated model.
rsRsiSyncOutputsSynchronize outputs between .rsi file and associated model.
rsRsiSyncAllCombines effects of rsRsiSyncInputs and rsRsiSyncOutputs.
rsRsiTlSyncInputRangesSynchronize input ranges between .rsi file and TargetLink.

Reactis Info File (Test Points)

rsRsiAddTestPointAdd a test point to an .rsi file.
rsRsiImportTestPointsImports all Simulink test point set in the model and adds them as Reactis test points.
rsRsiClearTestPointsRemove all test points from an .rsi file.
rsRsiDefaultTestPointsReset all test point constraints to default values.
rsRsiGetTestPointsGet all test points from an .rsi file.
rsRsiSyncTestPointsSynchronize data types of test points between the .rsi file and associated model.
rsRsiRemoveTestPointRemove a test point from an .rsi file.
rsRsiGetTestPointParameterValueGet the value of a test point parameter.
rsRsiSetTestPointParameterValueSet the value of a test point parameter.
rsRsiGetTestPointIntervalsGet the coverage intervals specified for a test point in the .rsi file.
rsRsiSetTestPointIntervalsSet the coverage intervals specified for a test point in the .rsi file.

Reactis Info File (Configuration Variables)

rsRsiGetConfigVarsReturn configuration variables in the .rsi file.
rsRsiGetConfigVarTypeReturn the type of a configuration variable.
rsRsiSetConfigVarTypeSet the type of a configuration variable.
rsRsiAddConfigVarAdd a configuration variable to the .rsi file.
rsRsiRemoveConfigVarRemove configuration variable from .rsi file.
rsRsiGetPotentialConfigVarsGet potential configuration variables.
rsRsiGetConfigVarSetsReturn names of configuration variable sets in the .rsi file.
rsRsiAddConfigVarSetAdd a new configuration variable set to the .rsi file.
rsRsiRemoveConfigVarSetRemove a configuration variable set from .rsi file.
rsRsiGetConfigVarSetEnabledGet enabled/disabled status of a configuration variable set.
rsRsiSetConfigVarSetEnabledSet enabled/disabled status of a configuration variable set.
rsRsiGetActiveConfigVarSetReturn name of currently active configuration variable set.
rsRsiSetActiveConfigVarSetSets the active configuration variable set.

Reactis Info File (Validator Objectives)

rsRsiAddAssertionDiagramAdd a diagram assertion to an .rsi file.
rsRsiAddAssertionExpressionAdd an expression assertion.
rsRsiAddAssertionTimerAdd a timer assertion.
rsRsiAddUserTargetDiagramAdd a diagram-based user-defined target.
rsRsiAddUserTargetExpressionAdd an expression-based user-defined target.
rsRsiAddUserTargetTimerAdd a timer-based user-defined target.
rsRsiAddStateflowAssertionExpressionAdd an expression assertion.
rsRsiAddStateflowAssertionTimerAdd a timer assertion.
rsRsiAddStateflowUserTargetExpressionAdd an expression-based user-defined target.
rsRsiAddStateflowUserTargetTimerAdd a timer-based user-defined target.
rsRsiAddVirtualSourceDiagramAdd a diagram-based virtual source.
rsRsiAddVirtualSourceExpressionAdd an expression-based virtual source.
rsRsiGetObjectiveParameterValueGet the value of a Validator objective parameter.
rsRsiQueryObjectivesGet Validator objectives in an .rsi file.
rsRsiRemoveObjectiveRemove a Validator objective from an .rsi file.

Reactis Report Configuration

rsReportConfigCreate a report configuration.
rsReportConfigCloseClose a report configuration.
rsReportConfigGetGlobalDefaultCreate a report configuration using global default values.
rsReportConfigGetItemsGet items included in report configuration.
rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetricsGet summary metrics in report configuration.
rsReportConfigGetDetailMetricsGet detail metrics in report configuration.
rsReportConfigGetDetailStatusGet detail status in report configuration.
rsReportConfigGetDiffLimitGet the limit on the number of difference details which will appear in a report.
rsReportConfigSetGlobalDefaultSave a report configuration as the global default.
rsReportConfigSetItemsSet items included in report configuration.
rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetricsSet summary metrics in report configuration.
rsReportConfigSetDetailMetricsSet detail metrics in report configuration.
rsReportConfigSetDetailStatusSet detail status in report configuration.
rsReportConfigSetDiffLimitSet the limit on the number of difference details included in coverage report configuration.
rsRsiGetDefaultReportConfigGet the default report configuration from an .rsi file.
rsRsiSetDefaultReportConfigSave a report configuration as the default for an .rsi file.

Running Reactis Tests in Simulink

rsRunTestsRun a Reactis test suite in Simulink.
rsSignalBuilderImportImport a Reactis test suite into a Signal Builder block.
rsInterpolateOffTurn interpolation off for all top-level inputs of a model.