4. Conclusions#
In this white paper we have given a brief overview of the Automotive SPICE standard that supports automotive engineering with a process reference model and a process assessment model. While Automotive SPICE includes processes for system and hardware engineering, we focused on the software engineering processes (SWE).
We then surveyed some of the capabilities of the Reactis test and verification suite of tools and how they can assist with the activities laid out in Automotive SPICE.
Model-in-the-loop (MIL) testing activities can support the Software Architectural Design and Software Detailed Design processes. Specifically, Reactis Tester can be used to check for runtime errors in the architectural design model and the detailed design model. Also, Reactis Validator can be used to check if these models satisfy the software requirements.
Finally, in the unit and component verification processes Reactis supports back-to-back testing to check that a software unit or component behaves as its corresponding model specifies. Reactis also offers extensive support for tracking structural coverage at both the Simulink model level and for C code.
For each of the verification measures test suites and HTML test execution reports serve as work products that demonstrate successful completion of the process activities and facilitate communication between different team members.