18. Revision History#

Different versions of Reactis for C are labeled as shown in Figure 18.1 and described below.


Fig. 18.1 Version labels begin with a “V” and include three parts: a year, a major release number, and a patch release number. The parts are numbers separated by decimal points. By convention, trailing zeros are omitted.#

Major Releases.

A new version of Reactis for C is labeled by a “V” followed by the four-digit year (e.g., V2020). Each label for an intra-year release includes a suffix consisting of a decimal point followed by a major release number; for example V2020.1, V2020.2, etc. will label the releases during 2020 that follow V2020.

Beta Releases.

RSI often makes beta releases available to customers interested in evaluating the newest features of Reactis for C. Beta releases do not undergo as much testing as major releases do. By convention, beta releases have odd numbered major release numbers. For example, V2020.1, V2020.3, … denote beta releases.

Patch Releases.

Both stable and beta releases may be “patched.” The label for a patch release is constructed by extending the label for the major release to be patched with a suffix that includes a second decimal point and a patch release number. For example:

V2020.2.1 denotes the first patch release for V2020.2 V2020.0.2 denotes the second patch release for V2020

18.1. V2023 (23 December 2023)#

The V2023 release of Reactis for C includes all patches up to and including the V2022.0.2 release, plus the following new features.

18.1.1. Linking between model components and C code#

When generating C code for a model, Simulink Embedded Coder adds comments to link the C code back to the model. Reactis now includes functionality to use this instrumentation to help exploring and co-simulating model and generated C code.

If a model is loaded in Reactis for Simulink and the corresponding C code (created by Embedded Coder) is loaded in Reactis for C, a connection can now be established between the two. Once a connection is established, the following functions are provided:

  • Clicking on a block or Stateflow state or transition in the model will highlight corresponding C code comment(s).

  • Clicking on a comment mentioning a block in C code will highlight the corresponding block in the model

  • Clicking on a line of C code will highlight all model blocks mentioned in the comment above the C code line.

  • Enabling or disabling Reactis Simulator in either Reactis for Simulink or Reactis for C will automatically do so in the connected session.

  • Setting a breakpoint on a model block or Stateflow item will set breakpoints on the first line of code below each comment mentioning the block.

  • Setting a breakpoint on a line of C code will set a breakpoint on each block mentioned in the comment above the C code line.

18.1.2. View Header Files#

You can view a header file by double-clicking on any #include statement. In addition, highlighting an error or warning which occurs within a header file file will cause the file to be opened and the line where the error/warning occurred to flash yellow.

18.1.3. Compiler/linker performance improvements#

Performance of the C compiler and linker has been improved. Builds for large code bases are often dramatically faster than previous versions of Reactis.

18.1.4. Variable/function name filtering#

When performing operations on test harnesses, a name-filtering mechanism is now available to make it easier to find variables and functions in the code under test. For example, when selecting a variable to be used as a harness input, the filter can be used to only show variables whose name contains the substring "_in".

18.1.5. New API functions#

Two New functions have been added to the API which control coverage tracking for all targets in a file.

  • rcRshSetFileCoverageEnabled() enables or disables coverage tracking for all targets in a file.

  • rcRshGetFileCoverageEnabled() returns the coverage tracking status for a file.

18.1.6. Other Improvements#

  • Most GUI dialogs showing lists (for example lists of inputs, outputs and configuration variables) now include a filter function to simplify finding specific items in large lists.

  • Function call count section in test execution report is now optional.

  • Moved documentation to new format with improved search and viewing capabilities.

18.2. Previous Major Release Dates#

Major releases of Reactis for C prior to V2022 have occurred on the following dates:


Release Date


June 22, 2022


July 9, 2021


December 18, 2020


June 14, 2019


February 9, 2018


October 21, 2016


November 18, 2015


April 10, 2014


March 21, 2011