To | : | Reactis Users |
From | : | Reactive Systems, Inc. | | ||
Date | : | October 17, 2003 |
We are pleased to announce the availability of Reactis V2003.2, which includes numerous new features and enhancements since the previous major release in February of this year. Some highlights are below. For more details please see the Reactis User's Guide, included in the distribution and available online.
Reactis Validator. Reactis now includes a third major component Reactis Validator which performs automated searches of models for violations of user-specified requirements. If Validator finds a violation of a requirement, it returns a test that leads to the problem. This test may then be executed in Reactis Simulator to gain an understanding of the sequence of events that leads to the problem. This tool enables the early detection of design errors and inconsistencies and reduces the effort required for design reviews.
Support for MC/DC. Reactis now supports the Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) test coverage measure. MC/DC is the level of testing for the ``most safety-critical'' components of aviation software mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in its DO-178/B guidelines.
The new MC/DC facility enhances both Reactis Tester and Reactis Simulator. Tester now includes MC/DC as one of the coverage objectives that drive its test-generation algorithm. This means that, given a Simulink/Stateflow model, Tester automatically generates a test suite with the goal of maximizing the level of MC/DC coverage attained by the tests.
Reactis Simulator has also been extended to offer flexible and easy-to-understand reports to indicate which MC/DC targets have been exercised and which have not.
Improved Help. The User's Guide has been revamped and Reactis now offers context sensitive help from almost every window and dialog of the system by clicking a ``Help'' button or pressing the F1 key.
Improved Coverage Reporting. A new Coverage-Report Browser enables users to view subsystem-by-subsystem coverage statistics for tests and test suites. The browser also allows users to export coverage reports in HTML format.
Improved Data Visualization. It is now possible to plot multiple data items (Simulink blocks or signals, or Stateflow variables) on the same scope. Reactis also now includes a new type of scope ``distribution scopes'' which enable users to visualize the set of values a data item has assumed in a test.
The Reactis API. A new application programming interface (API) enables engineers to access Reactis functionality from C programs.
Improved Import/Export. Reactis now includes a capability to import test data generated by other tools using a comma separated value (CSV) file format. Reactis also now exports CSV files.
Better Integration with Simulink/Stateflow. The utility that executes Reactis-generated tests within the Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow environment of The MathWorks, Inc has been improved.
Japanese Language Support. Reactis now handles Japanese characters in model comments and block names.
License Manager Improvements. Customers running multiple Reactis License Managers may now configure Reactis to search a list of all available License Managers for an available license. Information on currently occupied licenses may also be queried. The Reactis License Manager may also now be run as a Windows service.
Owners of active licenses may download the V2003.2
distribution from:
Best Regards,
The Reactis Team
This is the eleventh installment of ``The Reactis Communicator'', a
low volume mailing list for conveying information about Reactis, RSI's
embedded software design automation tool suite. Reactis enables users
to deploy model-based software testing to dramatically reduce the
costs of testing embedded control software. The tools are designed for
use in conjunction with the Simulink and Stateflow modeling and
simulation environments offered by The MathWorks, Inc.
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Reactis, please see the instructions below for removing yourself from
the list and we apologize for the intrusion.
Reactis is a trademark of Reactive Systems, Inc. MATLAB, Simulink, and
Stateflow are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.