Reactis Communicator: Reactis Launched

To : Reactis Users
From : Reactive Systems, Inc.
Date : June 3, 2002

This is the third installment of "The Reactis Communicator", a low volume mailing list for conveying information about Reactis, RSI's embedded software design automation tool suite.

If you are no longer interested in receiving information about Reactis, please see the instructions below for removing yourself from the list and we apologize for the intrusion.

We are pleased to announce the launch of Reactis Tester and Reactis Simulator, the inaugural components of RSI's embedded software design automation tool suite. Reactis enables users to deploy model-based software testing to dramatically reduce the costs of testing embedded control software. The tools are designed for use in conjunction with the Simulink and Stateflow modeling and simulation environments offered by The MathWorks, Inc.

Reactis Tester generates comprehensive test suites from Simulink/Stateflow models. The test suites exercise large portions of the software under test while avoiding redundancy, thereby maximizing the probability of finding defects within the time available for testing. The generated tests store model-generated outputs as well as inputs so that Tester-generated test harnesses can automatically check the correctness of source code implementations of models.

Reactis Simulator enables users to visualize the results of executing tests produced by Reactis Tester. The tool also enables users to fine-tune Tester-generated test suites.

Reactis is available immediately and runs on the Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms. Reactis is priced at US $5000 per year per concurrent license. Free 30-day evaluation licenses are available.

Tell a friend! If you know someone interested in joining the Reactis Communicator mailing list, please have them send an e-mail to (no subject or body content are required in the message).

Please note that to keep volume low and avoid abuse by spammers, we have configured the list so that only RSI may post messages. A web-based forum is planned for direct exchange of ideas among Reactis users.

The Reactis Team

Reactis is a trademark of Reactive Systems, Inc. Simulink and Stateflow are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. Microsoft Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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