In this issue:
A new feature to import range information for top-level inports aims to streamline the efforts required to prepare a model for use with Reactis. Reactis lets users specify the minimum and maximum values that should arrive on an inport during testing. These range constraints are observed when Reactis generates test data. Reactis has always offered an easy-to-use graphical editor for specifying these ranges. API routines are also available to specify the ranges from a script or program. A feature new in V2013.2 lets Reactis automatically import this range information from a couple of different sources:
The V2013.2 version of the Reactis for C Plugin includes a number of enhancements. A new stub generator produces a source file that contains definitions of missing functions and variables. V2013.2 also includes support for C99 compound literals, improved error messages, and Multiple Condition Coverage (MCC). MCC tracks whether all combinations of condition outcomes for a decision have been exercised. The previous Reactis release V2013 added support for MCC tracking in the Simulink and Stateflow portions of a model. When using the C Plugin, V2013.2 extends MCC to C code within S-Functions or Stateflow custom code.
Reactis Model Inspector has been extended to support Simulink R2013b.
Patch releases V2013.0.2 and V2012.2.4 are also now available.
Customers with active Software Maintenance Service can download V2013.2
from the Reactis
User Pages.
Nissan Motor Company has been using Reactis for more than a decade. A
user story is now available describing Nissan's experiences with deploying
Reactis in their model-based design process.
Read the Reactis user story from Nissan.
Early next year, look for the next release of Reactis for C (the standalone version that works with C code not residing in a model). This version will include many new features introduced since the V2011 release. Some highlights are as follows:
Automatic stub definitions. Stub definitions for missing variables and functions can be automatically generated. Stubbing can be done either (1) without generating a source file (in which case default values are assumed), or (2) by automatically generating a source file which contains stub definitions for all missing functions and variables.
Reverse stepping. Reverse single-stepping through source code is supported whenever execution is paused. This feature is particularly useful when execution is interrupted by an error, as it allows you to inspect values as you move backward in time to the original cause of an error.
Structures in test harnesses. C structures can be used in test harnesses. Each individual field of a structure can be selected to serve as a harness input or output. Structure fields are accessed using standard C syntax and automatically appear in the lists of harness input/output candidates in the Reactis Harness Editor.
Pre-compiled libraries. The Reactis build file editor allows the use of libraries which have been pre-compiled by Reactis, in cases where testing of the library source code is not desired. This allows for faster load times and does not require the source code to be available after the the library has been compiled.
Improved test execution and coverage reports. Test execution reports can be configured to include details about which targets were covered during each test step. The coverage information in both this report and the standalone coverage report is presented in a much improved format.
MCC coverage. Support for the multiple condition coverage (MCC) metric has been added. When enabled, the MCC metric is included in source code highlighting and coverage reports.
Function call profiling. Reactis test execution reports include function call counts and the maximum recursive depth reached by each function.
Improved test suite browser. The test suite browser includes a number of improvements, including the ability to hide unwanted rows and only display steps which satisfy a Boolean expression.
Header file information. When you hover on a #include directive, the location of the included header file is displayed.
Compound literals. Support has been added for C99 compound literals.
Infinite loop timeout. You can specify a maximum time interval after which execution is interrupted if no outputs have been produced. This makes it easier to determine the cause of infinite or excessively long loops.
Compile error highlighting. Each individual compile error can be selected in the Reactis Error dialog and highlighted in the source code.
Improved error diagnostics. The C compiler produces better error
messages in the case of a missing typedef or a conflict between a typedef
name and the name of a variable or function.
Reactis is a registered trademark of Reactive Systems, Inc.
MATLAB, Simulink, and Stateflow are registered trademarks of The MathWorks.
Best Regards,
The Reactis Team