Reactis V2019 Release Announcement

R Reactis® V2019 is now available for download. V2019 includes a number of newly supported Simulink® and Embedded MATLAB® features as well as a number of enhancements to improve your Reactis experience.

New Simulink Support

Newly supported Simulink features include the following:

  • R2019a.
  • Discrete FIR Filter block.
  • In/Out Bus Element blocks.
  • Bus output/input for Pre-Lookup and Interpolation blocks.
  • LookupTable and Breakpoint data objects to specify lookup tables.
  • 4-dimensional lookup tables if all types are uniform floating-point types.
  • Placing Model Reference blocks within Variant Subsystem blocks.
  • Bus access within S-Functions.
  • Stateflow charts in libraries where different instances use different data types.

New Embedded MATLAB Support

The supported subset of Embedded MATLAB has been extended to include:

  • Functions: sort, norm, erf, polyfit, expm.
  • The use of line continuation (...) in more places.
  • The use of line continuation (...) as an end of line comment.
  • Casting enumerated values to numeric values.
  • The use of enumerated types referenced only in EML and not from Simulink.
  • Accessing constant properties of MATLAB objects.

Other Enhancements

  • When synchronizing top-level input ports, Reactis now imports min/max values set within Simulink bus objects.
  • If a coverage target is excluded in a referenced model then it will also be excluded in the parent model.
  • Show simulation step count when running Tester with time limit.
  • Improved highlighting and reporting of unreachable assertions.
  • Added min and max settings in user-guided simulation which will set the minimum/maximum allowed value for the given port.
  • Produce fewer and more specific warnings about Data Store Read/Write blocks without priorities.
  • rsRunTests now supports models with buses on top-level output ports.

Reactis is a registered trademark of Reactive Systems, Inc. Simulink and MATLAB are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.

Best Regards,
The Reactis Team

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