Welcome to the 2019 holiday season installment of the Reactis Communicator.

Reactive Systems Marks 20-Year Anniversary

We recently celebrated the 20-year anniversary of Reactive Systems' founding! The graphic below enumerates some of the milestones from the past two decades. We sincerely thank all Reactis users for making this journey possible and look forward to continuing the collaboration in the decades to come. So thank you, thank you, thank you!

Reactive Systems milestones

Reactis V2019.2 Released

R Reactis® V2019.2 is now available for download. V2019.2 includes a new feature to enable reading from a test during user-guided simulation, extensions to the Reactis for EML Plugin, and more.

Reading from a Test in User-Guided Simulation

The user-guided simulation mode of Reactis Simulator lets you specify values for top-level inputs while your model executes, in effect hand-crafting a test. The V2019.2 release augments this mode of operation with a feature that lets you read one or more inputs from an existing test, while controlling other inputs yourself. The screenshot below shows the user-guided simulation dialog configured with three different sources for the top-level inputs. Some are read from a test, some are generated randomly, and others use values specified in the dialog.

user-guided simulation dialog with some inputs taken from test

Reactis for EML Plugin

The Reactis for EML Plugin now supports white-box testing of functions located in external .m files. If you add an external function by selecting Edit -> External EML Functions, then Reactis Tester will generate tests which cover targets within the function and you can debug Embedded MATLAB at the source-level in Reactis Simulator.

External Embedded MATLAB functions in Reactis

The supported subset of Embedded MATLAB has also been extended to include:

  • Nested functions
  • Functions: repmat, polyval, eps, rcond

Reactis for C Plugin

When adding source files to a library it is now possible to add files recursively from all subfolders.

New Simulink Support

Newly supported Simulink features include the following:

  • R2019b.
  • Event Listener blocks listening to “Initialize” and “Terminate” events.

Other Enhancements

  • When adding Simulink.Parameter workspace variables as configuration variables, Reactis automatically retrieves ranges set in the Simulink.Parameter object and applies them to the configuration variable.
  • Reactis can analyze a model to retrieve information about the model's size. Either select View -> Get Model Statistics in the GUI or use the rsModelStatistics API function within MATLAB.

New API Functions

  • Added rsRsiGetDependncies and rsRsiSetDependencies functions to set and query the model's additional dependencies (Edit -> Dependencies in the GUI).
  • Added rsModelStatistics function which returns a list of statistics describing the size of the model.

Download Reactis V2019.2

Have a great holiday season!

Reactis is a registered trademark of Reactive Systems, Inc. Simulink and MATLAB are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.

Best Regards,
The Reactis Team

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