We are pleased to announce the availability of Reactis V2020.2 and Reactis for C V2020.

Reactis V2020.2

Create Test Harnesses for Subsystems of a Model

Reactis V2020.2 introduces a new way to perform unit testing on the subsystems of a model. Simply right-click on a subsystem, select Create New Harness and Reactis will limit the scope of testing to the selected subsystem. Reactis Tester will directly generate input values and capture the output values of the harness subsystem, while exercising only the coverage targets within the subsystem. The scope of Reactis Simulator is also limited to the harness subsystem (other parts of the model are still displayed, but with a ghosted appearance).

Input constraints and output tolerances can be set individually for each harness. If the model changes, Reactis automatically updates all harnesses to integrate the changes from the model. Switching between harnesses is easily done by selecting a different harness from a drop-down menu.

New Simulink Support

Newly supported Simulink® features include the following:

  • MATLAB® R2020b.
  • A subset of the Simulink HDL blockset.
  • Delay blocks with "Show enable port" property enabled.
  • Delay blocks configured for variable delay.
  • Delay blocks operating on buses.
  • Improved data type inference for Sum and Product blocks whose intermediate data type is set to "Inherit via internal rule".
  • Support for bus types for Initial Condition (IC) block.
  • Support function-call outputs in Embedded MATLAB.

Other Enhancements

  • Option to include a list of all excluded targets in coverage report.
  • Improved block parameter display (right-click on block and select View Block Parameters).
  • Draw condition expressions for Switch Case and If blocks.
  • Option to export and import test names in CSV files.
  • Improved appearance of GUI on high-resolution displays. Automatically adjust if screen resolution changes.
  • Improved build performance in the Reactis for C Plugin.
  • Enable and disable Validator Objectives by right-clicking in the Edit > Validator Objectives list.
  • Detect and produce warnings or errors if subnormal floating-point values are detected during simulation.

Reactis for C V2020

The new version of Reactis for C offers a number of enhancements:

  • The architecture of the virtual machine used to execute the program under test can be configured to use either big endian or little endian.
  • Build performance is improved by avoiding recompilation of source files in more cases.
  • Detect and produce warnings or errors if subnormal floating-point values are detected during simulation.
  • Option to include a list of all excluded targets in coverage report.
  • Option to export and import test names in CSV files.
  • Improved appearance of GUI on high-resolution displays. Automatically adjust if screen resolution changes.

Download the new releases

Reactis is a registered trademark of Reactive Systems, Inc. Simulink, Stateflow, and MATLAB are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.

Best Regards,
The Reactis Team

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