December 17, 2013
Dear Reactis User:
We are pleased to announce the availability of Reactis V2013.2 and Reactis Model Inspector V2013.2
as well as the Reactis V2013.0.2 and Reactis V2012.2.4 patches.
Reactis V2013.2
Newly Supported Simulink Features
- MATLAB R2013b.
- Simulink Function states in Stateflow charts.
- Multiport Switch block "default case" settings.
- Absolute-time temporal logic in Stateflow ("sec", "msec", "usec" keywords).
- Support for integer types, integer arithmetic and bit operations in Embedded MATLAB code.
New Features in the Reactis for C Plugin
- Stub generator produces a source file that contains definitions of missing functions and variables.
- Support for C99 compound literals.
- MCC coverage tracking in S-Functions and Stateflow custom code.
Other New Features
- Tracking for configuration variables of array types.
Boundary targets are created for each element of an array used as
configuration variable.
- When importing a model or synchronizing top-level inport types, Reactis now
imports min/max limits given in the ``Signal Attributes'' section of the model's
top-level input port parameters. Reactis will also import min/max limits set on
Simulink.Signal objects that are attached to signal lines emerging from top-level
input ports.
Reactis Model Inspector V2013.2
- Support MATLAB R2013b model file format.
Reactis V2013.0.2
- Fixed incorrect rounding in Multiport Switch block for negative input indexes of
integer type (#2598).
- Fixed issue with Mux/Demux blocks not rendering correctly when display option
is set to "none" (#2615).
- Fixed bug that caused the content of "Doc" and "Model Info" blocks to not be
displayed when GUI language is set to Japanese (#2633).
Reactis V2013.2.4
- Fixed incorrect rounding in Multiport Switch block for negative input indexes of
integer type (#2599).
You may download the patches or full installers from the
Reactis User Pages.
Best Regards,
The Reactis Team