To: Subscribers to Reactis Patches Mailing List
Reactive Systems (
January 8, 2007

We are pleased to announce the availability of Reactis V2006.2.4 and V2006.3.1 (beta).


The following bugs were fixed since V2006.2.2.

  • Fixed problem that caused Reactis to generate a bug message "Uncaught exception: Domain" when a not-a-number value was input into a Logical Operator block.

V2006.3.1 (beta)

The following new features were added since V2006.3.

  • When a coverage metric is disabled in the Tester launch dialog, Tester no longer tracks coverage for the metric.

The following bugs were fixed since V2006.3.

  • Fixed problem that caused Reactis to generate a bug message "Uncaught exception: Domain" when a not-a-number value was input into a Logical Operator block.
  • Fixed bug that caused event guards on transitions within graphical functions to always evaluate to 'false'.
  • Fixed problem retrieving error messages from MATLAB R2006b.

You may download the patches or full installers from:

Best Regards,
The Reactis Team

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