We are pleased to announce the availability of Reactis V2007, which
includes numerous new features and enhancements since the previous
major release in November, 2006. Some highlights are below.
For more details please see the revision history in the Reactis User's
Guide which is included in the distribution and is also available
The following are some of the features added since V2006.2
Reactis for C Plugin
Reactis for C Plugin integrates seamlessly with Reactis to
offer white-box testing and validation of the C-code portions
of models (S-Functions and calls to C from Stateflow).
Together Reactis and Reactis for C Plugin automate the
generation of test data from, and validation of models
constructed with Simulink, Stateflow, and C code.
Newly-Supported Simulink and Stateflow features
- Support MathWorks R2007a and R2007b releases.
- Support conditional input branch execution in Simulink.
- Observe the setting "Propagate execution context across
subsystem boundary" for enabled and triggered subsystems.
- Support Simulink Model Reference blocks.
- Support Simulink Rate Transition blocks.
Other Improvements
- A Japanese version of Reactis is now available.
- When a coverage metric is disabled in the Tester launch dialog,
Tester no longer tracks coverage for the metric.
- A new setting allows the user to specify a subfolder where Reactis
generated files (.rsi, .rst, .mwi, .rsp) will be stored.
- All Tester parameters and the currently used RSI file can
automatically be saved to a separate RTP file. The stored RSI file
can later be extracted via File -> Extract Info File
and the Tester parameters can be loaded in the Tester launch dialog.
This allows for easy exact reproduction of a Tester run.
- Reactis now offers the option to automatically check for updates
once per day.
- Reactis now allows the output of a diagram-based Validator objective
to be wired to the input of another objective.
- A capability has been added to the Reactis License Manager to specify
a date format for use in CSV log files.
- New API functions rsSetParameter and rsGetParameter allow
the retrieval and modification of global Reactis parameters (those
set in Reactis' settings dialog).
- Reactis may now run as a regular user without elevated privileges
on Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
- When exporting test suites to .m format for import into Simulink,
the test data may now include structures and arrays. The same data
types are now supported for export to .mat and .m formats.
- Reactis now stores Simulator coverage highlighting settings as well
as breakpoints in the .rsp file associated with a model,
causing them to be retained from one invocation of Reactis to the next.
- New View -> Expand Tree and View -> Collapse Tree menu
items offer a quick way to expand or collapse all nodes of the tree in the
hierarchy panel.
You may download the patches or full installers from:
Best Regards,
The Reactis Team