March 12, 2008
Dear Reactis User:
We are pleased to announce the availability of Reactis V2007.0.5.
The following bugs were fixed since V2007.0.4.
- Fixed bug that caused Reactis to report "Exporting values of
type '^...' to a MATLAB array is currently not supported."
- Improved error message for some illegal expressions in timed
user targets.
- Fixed bug that caused a "Type error" bug message if input
type of an "Abs" block did not match output type.
- Fixed bug that caused targeted phase in Tester to always
occur, even if box is unchecked in the GUI.
- Fixed bug that could cause the API to allocate two Reactis
licenses if "Reactis for C Plugin" was enabled and the API
connected to a license server older than V2006.3.8.
You may download the patches or full installers from the
Reactis User Pages.
Best Regards,
The Reactis Team