Reactive Systems Marks 10 Year Anniversary
Cary, NC (February 8, 2009) --
Reactive Systems, Inc. marked the 10-year anniversary of its founding
today. From the launch, the company's mission has remained unchanged: Reactive
Systems develops and markets testing and validation tools that help
engineers improve software quality while decreasing software development costs.
The company now has customers located around the world in the automotive, aerospace,
and heavy equipment industries, as well as academia.
Some milestones in Reactive Systems' history include the following:
- February 8, 1999. Company founded as an New York state S-Corporation.
- 2002. Reactis testing and validation package for Simulink/Stateflow models launched
and records first sales.
- 2005. Reactis installed license base exceeds 100 units distributed
across dozens of companies and used by hundreds of engineers.
- February, 2007. Japan branch office opens.
- October, 2007. Reactis for C Plugin launched. The tool integrates seamlessly
with Reactis to offer white-box analysis of the C code portions of models (S-Functions
and Stateflow custom code).
- November, 2008. Distribution agreement with Cybernet CAE Systems Co. LTD to
distribute Reactis in China.
- January, 2009. Distribution agreement with Cybernet Systems Taiwan to distribute
Reactis in Taiwan.
About Reactive Systems. Reactive Systems, founded in 1999,
is a privately held company based in Cary, North Carolina.
For more information about RSI visit or
call +1-919-324-3507.