Cary, NC (October 26, 2009) -- Reactive Systems, Inc. (RSI) will exhibit its Reactis testing and validation tool at the Japan MATLAB Automotive Advisory Board Open Conference to be held on October 27, 2009 at the Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa.
Approximately 13 companies are expected to exhibit. RSI will demonstrate the key testing and validation role that Reactis plays in a process employing model-based design with Simulink® and Stateflow® in the development of embedded control applications. RSI will also preview its upcoming Reactis for C tool that will enable the application of Reactis to standalone C code.
About Reactis. RSI's Reactis tool provides automated test-generation and model-validation capabilities for Simulink/Stateflow models of control software. The tool can be used to test for conformance between a model and implementation code, and it can also be employed to validate model behavior. Reactis is used at over 45 major companies worldwide in automotive, aerospace, and heavy equipment industries.
About Reactive Systems. Reactive Systems, founded in 1999,
is a privately held company based in the Cary, NC.
For more information about RSI visit
or call +1-919-324-3507.