1. Introduction#
The Reactis Model Inspector offers a low-cost lightweight tool for viewing Simulink models and the testing artifacts created for them with Reactis. The tool is aimed at members of an engineering team who need to review Simulink models and testing artifacts but not generate tests or debug the model. Some capabilities include:
Hierarchical browsing of models, including Simulink, Stateflow, C Code (included as S-Functions or Stateflow custom C code), and Embedded MATLAB code.
Tracing signals through the model.
Text search of the model (including C code and Embedded MATLAB code).
Browsing Reactis-constructed test suites (.rst files).
Browsing (but not editing) Reactis Info Files (.rsi files).
1.1. Support and Feedback#
RSI welcomes user feedback and questions. To ask questions, make suggestions, or report suspected bugs, you may call RSI’s help line at (+1) 919-324-3507 or send e-mail to:
When sending e-mail, you are encouraged to include the “System Info” information for your Reactis installation; this can be obtained by selecting the Help -> About menu item from the top-level Reactis Model Inspector window, then clicking Copy To Clipboard and pasting the information into the e-mail message.