7. Revision History#
Different versions of Reactis Model Inspector are labeled as shown in Figure 7.1 and described below.

Fig. 7.1 Version labels begin with a “V” and include three parts: a year, a major release number, and a patch release number. The parts are numbers separated by decimal points. By convention, trailing zeros are omitted.#
- Major Releases.
A new version of Reactis Model Inspector is released each year and labeled by a “V” followed by the four-digit year, for example V2023. Each label for an intra-year release includes a suffix consisting of a decimal point followed by a major release number; for example V2023.1, V2023.2, etc. will label the releases during 2023 that follow V2023.
- Beta Releases.
RSI sometimes makes beta releases available to customers interested in evaluating the newest features of Reactis Model Inspector. Beta releases do not undergo as much testing as major releases do. By convention, beta releases have odd numbered major release numbers. For example, V2023.1, V2023.3, … denote beta releases.
- Patch Releases.
Stable releases may be “patched.” The label for a patch release is constructed by extending the label for the major release to be patched with a suffix that includes a second decimal point and a patch release number. Some examples clarify the scheme:
V2023.0.1 denotes the first patch release for V2023
V2023.2.3 denotes the third patch release for V2023.2
7.1. Patches Mailing List Archive#
Patches to the Reactis product family are posted to the Reactive Systems website every four to six weeks on average. To view a summary recent changes, please view the archives of the Reactis Model Inspector Patches mailing list available at:
7.2. V2024 (5 June 2024)#
The V2024 release of Reactis Model Inspector adds the following new features:
Support for MATLAB R2024a
7.3. Previous Major Release Dates#
Major releases of Reactis Model Inspector prior to V2024 have occurred on the following dates:
Version |
Release Date |
V2023.2 |
December 22, 2023 |
V2023 |
Jume 30, 2023 |
V2022.2 |
December 23, 2022 |
V2022 |
June 22, 2022 |
V2021.2 |
December 23, 2021 |
V2021 |
July 9, 2021 |
V2020.2 |
December 18, 2020 |
V2020 |
July 17, 2020 |
V2019.2 |
December 20, 2019 |
V2019 |
June 28, 2019 |
V2018.2 |
December 20, 2018 |
V2018 |
June 27, 2018 |
V2017.2 |
December 22, 2017 |
V2017 |
July 7. 2017 |
V2016.2 |
December 22, 2016 |
V2016 |
June 20, 2016 |
V2015.2 |
December 18, 2015 |
V2015 |
June 30, 2015 |
V2014.2 |
December 19, 2014 |
V2014 |
June 25, 2014 |
V2013.2 |
December 17, 2013 |
V2013 |
August 9, 2013 |
V2012 |
November 26, 2012 |