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Reactis API V2020.2

Reactis API (C Bindings):
Reactis Tester

rsTesterCreate a test suite.
rsTesterWithReportCreate a test suite and a test execution report.
rsTesterStartInitiate the asynchronous creation of a test suite.
rsTesterStartWithReportInitiate the asynchronous creation of a test suite and report.
rsTesterStopStop running asynchronous test suite creation.
rsTesterCloseClose a Reactis Tester session.
rsTesterIsRunningTrue if test suite creation is still ongoing.
rsTesterGetProgressGet test suite generation progress.
rsTesterGetStatusGet test suite generation status.
rsTesterGetSuiteGet test suite after generation is finished.
rsTesterGetNumStepsTakenRetrieve number of steps taken so far during tester run.


Create a test suite.


RsTestSuite *rsTester (
    RsHandle *h,
    const char *modelFileName,
    const char *infoFileName,
    const char *testSuiteFileName,
    const char *params


Pointer to RsHandle structure as returned by rsOpen.
Path and name of model file (.mdl file).
Path and name of Reactis info file (.rsi file) associated with the model. Can be NULL, in which case no info file will be used.
Path and name of the resulting test suite file (.rst file). The file must be writable and will be overwritten if it already exists. testSuiteFileName can be NULL in which case a temporary file will be created which will be deleted when calling rsSuiteClose.
A string containing parameters for test-suite generation. The format of the string is described in Tester Additional Parameters.

Return Value

Pointer to a RsTestSuite structure that can be used to run it in a Simulator session. NULL, if Reactis Tester failed. In that case, call rsGetLastError to retrieve the error message string.


Create a test suite and a test execution report.


RsTestSuite *rsTesterWithReport (
    RsHandle *h,
    const char *modelFileName,
    const char *infoFileName,
    const char *testSuiteFileName,
    const char *params,
    const char *reportFileName,
    const RsReportConfig *reportConfig


(Note that the first four parameters below are the same as for function rsTester.)

Pointer to RsHandle structure as returned by rsOpen.
Path and name of model file (.mdl file).
Path and name of Reactis info file (.rsi file) associated with the model. Can be NULL, in which case no info file will be used.
Path and name of the resulting test suite file (.rst file). The file must be writable and will be overwritten if it already exists. testSuiteFileName can be NULL in which case a temporary file will be created which will be deleted when calling rsSuiteClose.
A string containing parameters for test-suite generation. The string may include one or more of the following flags. All are optional.
-a 0|1
Turns input abstraction on (1) or off (0). Inputs abstraction usually improves the performance of Tester and should be left on (default). In rare cases, turning it off may improve coverage. If coverage problems are encountered with inputs abstraction on, it may be beneficial to take a test suite produced with abstraction on, pre-load it into Tester, turn abstraction off, and then run Tester again.
-g c1;c2;...;cN
Specify a list of criteria that should be used to guide test suite generation. See Coverage Metric Names for details. For a detailed description on coverage criteria in Reactis please refer to Chapter 6.
-p fName1=y|n;fName2=y|n;...;fNamei=y|n
Specify a list of .rst files to pre-load. The y|n argument for each file specifies whether or not pruning of the suite should be allowed. The random and targeted phases will extend the preloaded tests. The preloaded test suite files will not be modified.
-q timeoutSeconds
Specify the number of seconds for which to produce test cases. Tester will stop after either the timeout expires, all steps in the random or targeted phases have been executed, or full coverage is achieved for the model, whichever comes first. If -q is given and -t is not given, then Tester will continue until either the timeout expires or full coverage is achieved.
-r numTests;numSteps
Specify the number of tests and steps in the random phase. The defaults are 5 tests of 1000 steps each.
-s randomSeed
Initial seed for the random number generator.
-t stepsInTargetedPhase
stepsInTargetedPhase specifies the number of execution steps to take during the targeted phase of test generation. The default is 20,000 steps.
Path and name of the resulting test execution report file. The file must be writable and will be overwritten if it already exists. The format of the file is determined by the extension. Currently, an extension of .htm or .html results in HTML data.
Determines what information is included in the test execution report. If reportConfig is NULL, then a default configuration is used, which currently includes everything in the report except MCC target information.

Return Value

Pointer to a RsTestSuite structure that can be used to run it in a Simulator session.

NULL, if Reactis Tester failed. In that case, call rsGetLastError to retrieve the error message string.


Initiate the asynchronous creation of a test suite.

Initiates creation of a test suite. This function is similar to rsTester but returns immediately after initiating the creation of the test suite. Reactis Tester will keep running in the background after this function returns. Use the access functions rsTesterGetProgress, rsTesterGetStatus and rsTesterIsRunning to get the progress and status of the running Tester instance. Use the function rsTesterGetSuite to get the test suite created after Tester has finished. Use the function rsTesterStop to stop a Tester session. Use the function rsTesterClose to close a Reactis Tester instance.


rsTester *rsTesterStart (
    RsHandle *h,
    const char *modelFileName,
    const char *infoFileName,
    const char *testSuiteFileName,
    const char *params


(Note that the parameters below are the same as for function rsTester.)

Pointer to RsHandle structure as returned by rsOpen.
Path and name of model file (.mdl file).
Path and name of Reactis info file (.rsi file) associated with the model. Can be NULL, in which case no info file will be used.
Path and name of the resulting test suite file (.rst file). The file must be writable and will be overwritten if it already exists. testSuiteFileName can be NULL in which case a temporary file will be created which will be deleted when calling rsSuiteClose.
A string containing parameters for test-suite generation. The format of the string is described in Tester Additional Parameters.

Return Value

Pointer to a RsTester structure that must be used in all subsequent calls to the functions rsTesterGetStatus, rsTesterGetSuite, rsTesterIsRunning , rsTesterStop and rsTesterClose. NULL, if Reactis Tester failed to start. In that case, call rsGetLastError to retrieve the error message string.


Initiate the asynchronous creation of a test suite and report.

Initiates creation of a test suite with report generation. This function is similar to rsTesterStart, with a test execution report produced as an additional output. Like rsTesterStart, this function returns immediately after initiating the creation of the test suite. Reactis Tester will keep running in the background after this function returns. Use the access functions rsTesterGetProgress, rsTesterGetStatus and rsTesterIsRunning to get the progress and status of the running Tester instance. Use the function rsTesterGetSuite to get the test suite created after Tester has finished. Use the function rsTesterStop to stop a Tester session. Use the function rsTesterClose to close a Reactis Tester instance.


rsTester *rsTesterStartWithReport (
    RsHandle *h,
    const char *modelFileName,
    const char *infoFileName,
    const char *testSuiteFileName,
    const char *params,
    const char *reportFileName,
    const RsReportConfig *reportConfig


(Note that the first four parameters below are the same as for function rsTesterStart.)

Pointer to RsHandle structure as returned by rsOpen.
Path and name of model file (.mdl file).
Path and name of Reactis info file (.rsi file) associated with the model. Can be NULL, in which case no info file will be used.
Path and name of the resulting test suite file (.rst file). The file must be writable and will be overwritten if it already exists. testSuiteFileName can be NULL in which case a temporary file will be created which will be deleted when calling rsSuiteClose.
A string containing parameters for test-suite generation. The string may include one or more of the following flags. All are optional.
-a 0|1
Turns input abstraction on (1) or off (0). Inputs abstraction usually improves the performance of Tester and should be left on (default). In rare cases, turning it off may improve coverage. If coverage problems are encountered with inputs abstraction on, it may be beneficial to take a test suite produced with abstraction on, pre-load it into Tester, turn abstraction off, and then run Tester again.
-g c1;c2;...;cN
Specify a list of criteria that should be used to guide test suite generation. See Coverage Metric Names for details. For a detailed description on coverage criteria in Reactis please refer to Chapter 6.
-p fName1=y|n;fName2=y|n;...;fNamei=y|n
Specify a list of .rst files to pre-load. The y|n argument for each file specifies whether or not pruning of the suite should be allowed. The random and targeted phases will extend the preloaded tests. The preloaded test suite files will not be modified.
-q timeoutSeconds
Specify the number of seconds for which to produce test cases. Tester will stop after either the timeout expires, all steps in the random or targeted phases have been executed, or full coverage is achieved for the model, whichever comes first. If -q is given and -t is not given, then Tester will continue until either the timeout expires or full coverage is achieved.
-r numTests;numSteps
Specify the number of tests and steps in the random phase. The defaults are 5 tests of 1000 steps each.
-s randomSeed
Initial seed for the random number generator.
-t stepsInTargetedPhase
stepsInTargetedPhase specifies the number of execution steps to take during the targeted phase of test generation. The default is 20,000 steps.
Path and name of the resulting test execution report file. The file must be writable and will be overwritten if it already exists. The format of the file is determined by the extension. Currently, an extension of .htm or .html results in HTML data.
Determines what information is included in the test execution report. If reportConfig is NULL, then a default configuration is used, which currently includes everything in the report except MCC target information.

Return Value

Pointer to an RsTester structure that must be used in all subsequent calls to the functions rsTesterGetStatus, rsTesterGetSuite, rsTesterIsRunning, rsTesterStop and rsTesterClose. NULL, if Reactis Tester failed to start. In that case, call rsGetLastError to retrieve the error message string.


Stop running asynchronous test suite creation.

Stops the Reactis Tester instance given as a parameter. rsTesterGetSuite can still be called after this and will return the (incomplete) test suite.


void rsTesterStop (RsTester *tester);


Pointer to an RsTester instance which was previously started with rsTesterStart.

Return Value



Close a Reactis Tester session.

Closes the Reactis Tester instance given as a parameter. The pointer passed as a parameter will be invalid after this call.


void rsTesterClose (RsTester *tester);


Pointer to an RsTester instance which was previously started with rsTesterStart.

Return Value



True if test suite creation is still ongoing.

Determines if a Reactis Tester instance is still running.


int rsTesterIsRunning (RsTester *tester);


Pointer to an RsTester instance which was previously started with rsTesterStart.

Return Value

1 if the Reactis Tester instance given as a parameter is still running and 0 otherwise.


Get test suite generation progress.

Queries the progress of a Reactis Tester instance.


double rsTesterGetProgress (RsTester *tester);


Pointer to an RsTester instance which was previously started with rsTesterStart.

Return Value

A number between 0 and 100 to indicate the progress of the Reactis Tester instance given as a parameter (similar to the progress indicator in the Tester dialog within the Reactis GUI).


Get test suite generation status.

Queries the status of a Reactis Tester instance.


const char *rsTesterGetStatus (RsTester *tester);


Pointer to an RsTester instance which was previously started with rsTesterStart.

Return Value

A string indicating the current status of the Reactis Tester instance given as a parameter (similar to the status field in the Tester dialog within the Reactis GUI).


Get test suite after generation is finished.

Gets the test suite generated by a Reactis Tester instance.


RsTestSuite *rsTesterGetSuite (RsTester *tester);


Pointer to an RsTester instance which was previously started with rsTesterStart.

Return Value

The test suite generated by the Reactis Tester instance given as a parameter. Must be called after Tester has finished (i.e., when rsTesterIsRunning returns 0). Returns NULL if Tester is still running or an error occurred that prevented the creation of a test suite.


Retrieve number of steps taken so far during tester run.


int rsTesterGetNumStepsTaken (RsTester *tester);


Pointer to RsTester instance that was previously started with rsTesterStart.

Return Value

Returns the number of steps taken so far during this tester run.