25. Model-Specific Parameters#
Reactis for Simulink stores information it uses for testing and validation in an .rsi file, rather than making any modification to the model (the .slx file). Such information, for example constraints on inputs, can be manipulated in the Reactis GUI using the Reactis Info File Editor.
The settings stored in an .rsi file are termed model-specific settings since they can be configured differently for each model you work with in Reactis. The Reactis Info File Editor includes a collection of panes (Harness, Inports, Configuration Variables, …) from which different types of model-specific settings can be manipulated.
This chapter describes model-specific parameters which can be manipulated with rsRsiSetParameterValue and rsRsiGetParameterValue.
Note that many model-specific settings can alternatively be manipulated by specialized functions described in the API documentation chapters whose names begin with Reactis Info File. For example rsRsiSetInputType lets you set an input constraint for a top-level input and is described in Reactis Info File - Inports.
You may also use the parameters described here to specify the default model-specific settings. These are the values Reactis uses when a new .rsi file is created. Also, if a new version of Reactis introduces a new parameter, then when upgrading an .rsi file created with a prior version of Reactis, the value for the new parameter will be the model-specific default. To manipulate default model-specific settings (as opposed to the model-specific settings in a particular .rsi file) use the functions rsGetParameterValue or rsSetParameterValue.
Each parameter described here can also be manipulated from the Reactis Info File Editor or the Default Model-Specific Settings dialog available in the Reactis GUI. The parameter names and allowed values are described below. The parameters are listed below in separate sections corresponding to the different panes of the Info File Editor.
25.1. General#
Parameters set using the General pane of the Reactis Info File Editor.
For a more detailed description of the functionality being controlled by the General parameters, see the Chapter 5 of the Reactis User’s Guide
Parameter Name |
Allowed Values |
Description |
‘off’, ‘on’, ‘inherit’ |
Enable/disable conditional input branch execution. When set to ‘inherit’ Reactis will use the setting given in the model. |
‘none’, ‘all’ |
Enable/disable a host of features introduced in V2012 to offer more user-friendly interactions with bus data types. |
0, false, 1, true |
Create and use cache files (files with extension .mwi) to greatly decrease start up time for Simulator and Tester if no changes to a model occur and the cache file can be used. |
0, false, 1, true |
Create and use binary cache files (files with extension .mwib). For large models this can significantly improve Simulator startup time over regular (.mwi only) caching. ‘DoMWICaching’ must also be enabled for this parameter to take effect. |
0, false, 1, true |
When creating a test suite, also create a parameters file (extension ’.rtp’). |
0, false, 1, true |
Enable/disable whether Reactis will cause Simulink to apply all the
changes to the model made during initialization (e.g. |
0, false, 1, true |
Enable/disable fixed-step sample time computation introduced in V2010 to reduce rounding errors for sample times that have poor floating point representations such as 0.1, 0.01 or similar. |
0, false, 1, true |
Ignore ToFile and ToWorkspace blocks. |
0, false, 1, true |
Short-circuit Simulink boolean operators. |
0, false, 1, true |
Short-circuit Stateflow boolean operators. |
0, false, 1, true |
Before loading a model in MATLAB, prepend Reactis’ search path to MATLAB’s search path. |
0, false, 1, true |
Execute startup.m and pathdef.m scripts in model folder. |
0, false, 1, true |
If enabled, Reactis will instruct MATLAB to delete any unused workspace variables after loading a model during import. This can significantly speed up import times for models that use a generic workspace setup from which only a few variables are actually used. However, in some cases MATLAB may remove variables that are actually used by the model which can lead to errors about undefined variables during import. |
0, false, 1, true |
If this option is enabled and the current model is referenced by another model, the referenced model will inherit import-related parameters such as Reactis callback functions and search path from the parent model. |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’ |
This option determines the action taken by Reactis when encountering a
N-D Lookup Table block whose Internal rule priority setting is set to
25.2. Error Checking#
The model-specific parameters related to error checking are listed in the table below. For a more detailed description of the functionality being controlled by the error-checking parameters, see the Chapter 5 of the Reactis User’s Guide.
Parameter Name |
Allowed Values |
Description |
OnInputOutOfRange |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’ |
This setting specifies what happens if an input value violates the constraint given for the input. For example, if a range constraint is given, what happens when a value outside the range is encountered. |
OnConfigOutOfRange |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’ |
This setting specifies what happens if an configuration variable value violates the constraint given for the variable. For example, if a range constraint is given, what happens when a value outside the range is encountered. |
DeltaExceedsTypeRange |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’ |
When specifying a delta input constraint, the allowed maximum change
should not exceed the range for the input. This setting lets you
configure how Reactis responds if you specify a maximum allowed change
that is greater than the range of an input. For example, consider delta
Tolerance |
When running a test suite in Reactis Simulator, the values of outputs and test points computed by the model are compared to those stored in the test suite. A warning is produced if the difference exceeds the tolerance given by this parameter. Example Tolerance Values
OnIntegerOverflow |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’, ‘inherit’ |
Set integer overflow behavior. When set to ‘inherit’ Reactis will use the setting given in the model. |
OnIntegerSaturation |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’, ‘inherit’ |
Set integer saturation behavior. When set to ‘inherit’ Reactis will use the setting given in the model. |
OnDetectInfNan |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’, ‘inherit’ |
Configure how Reactis responds to Inf and NaN values. When set to ‘inherit’ Reactis will use the setting given in the model. |
OnDetectInfNanConversion |
‘none’, ‘error’, ‘inherit’ |
Configure how Reactis responds to conversion of an Inf or NaN value to an integer. |
OnDetectSubnormal |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’, ‘flushToZero’ |
Configure how Reactis responds to subnormal floating-point values. When set to ‘none’, Reactis will keep the subnormal value and continue test generation or simulation. When set to ‘warning’, Reactis will will keep the subnormal value, produce a warning and continue. When set to ‘flushToZero’ Reactis will replace the subnormal value with zero and continue. When set to ‘error’, Reactis will stop test generation or simulation. |
OnShiftOutOfRange |
‘none’, ‘error’, ‘inherit’ |
Configure how Reactis responds to a shift operation larger than the word size of the model. |
OnCompareIncompatibleEnums |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’ |
This setting specifies what should happen if a model compares an enumerated value against a value of a different enumerated type. |
StateflowOutportMerge |
‘none’, ‘error’, ‘warning’ |
What to do when detecting a Stateflow outport merge. |
OnEventBroadcast |
‘none’, ‘error’, ‘warning’ |
What to do when detecting an undirected local event broadcast in Stateflow. |
OnMultipleEdgeEventTrigger |
‘none’, ‘error’, ‘warning’ |
What to do when detecting multiple trigger event outputs. |
StateflowLoopDetectionTimeout |
double |
Maximum time for Reactis to compute a simulation step. If the computation of a simulation step takes longer, Reactis assumes there is an infinite loop; the simulation is then terminated and an error message printed. |
OnCIntegerOverflow |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’ |
Set the behavior of the C-Plugin when overflow occurs during a signed integer computation. |
OnCUnsignedIntegerOverflow |
‘none’, ‘error’ |
Set the behavior of the C-Plugin when overflow occurs during an unsigned integer computation. |
OnCIntegerConversionOverflow |
‘none’, ‘error’, ‘inherit’ |
Set the behavior of the C-Plugin when an overflow occurs while converting an unsigned integer to a signed integer. |
OnCFloatToUIntConversionOverflow |
‘none’, ‘error’, ‘inherit’ |
Set the behavior of the C-Plugin when an overflow occurs while converting a floating-point value to an (signed or unsigned) integer. |
OnCDetectInfNan |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’, ‘inherit’ |
Configure how the C-Plugin responds of NaN/Inf values. When set to inherit, the C-Plugin uses the value of OnDetectInfNan. |
OnCEmptyStruct |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’ |
Configure how the C-Plugin responds to empty structures and unions. |
OnCUndefinedFunctionCall |
‘none’, ‘error’ |
Configure how the C-Plugin responds to calls to undefined functions. |
OnCInvalidPointer |
‘none’, ‘warning’, ‘error’ |
Set what happens when a pointer expression yields an invalid address. |
CLoopDetectionTimeout |
double |
Maximum time for the C-Plugin to complete a call to an S-function or custom code function. If the computation takes longer, Reactis assumes there is an infinite loop; the simulation is then terminated and an error message printed. A value of zero disables the timeout. |
OnTrigonometryInputOverflow |
‘nan’, ‘saturate’, ‘tracksaturate’, ‘inherit’ |
Controls the output of the Simulink Trigonometry block’s ‘asin’ or ‘acos’ functions when the input is outside their domain (i.e. less than -1.0 or greater than 1.0). If set to ‘nan’, the function will output ‘nan’. If set to ‘saturate’, the input value will be saturated at -1.0 or 1.0 respectively. If set to ‘tracksaturate’, the input value will be saturated and a coverage target will track whether saturation has occurred or not. If set to ‘inherit’ then the behavior will be determined by the Trigonometry block’s ‘Remove Protection for out-of-range input’ setting. |
25.3. Coverage Metrics#
The following parameters correspond to the Coverage Metrics pane of the Reactis Info File Editor. For a more detailed description of the functionality being controlled by the coverage parameters, see the Chapter 5 of the Reactis User’s Guide.
Parameter Name |
Allowed Values |
Description |
CoverageCSEPTUseAncestors |
0, false, 1, true |
For a Stateflow state S, configure whether CSEPT defines PairStates(S) using all ancestors or just the parent of S. See the CSEPT section of the Reactis User’s Guide for details. |
CoverageCSEPTUsePaths |
0, false, 1, true |
Configure how CSEPT constructs ExitTrans(S′):
See the CSEPT section of the Reactis User’s Guide for details. |
CoverageMCDCCombineLogicOp |
0, false, 1, true |
Enable/disable Multi-Block MC/DC. See the MC/DC section of the Reactis User’s Guide for details. |
CoverageMCCMaxNumConditions |
positive integer |
Set the maximum number of conditions that can be in a decision for which MCC coverage is tracked. If a decision has more conditions than the limit then MCC will not be tracked for that decision. |
CoverageBoundary |
0, false, 1, true |
Enable/Disable Boundary coverage |
CoverageBoundaryInputs |
0, false, 1, true |
Include boundary targets for top-level inputs in Boundary coverage |
CoverageBoundaryConfigs |
0, false, 1, true |
Include boundary targets for configuration variables in Boundary coverage |
CoverageBoundaryIntSat |
0, false, 1, true |
Include boundary targets for the upper and lower boundaries of blocks which are set to saturate on integer overflow. |
CoverageBoundaryIntSatMid |
0, false, 1, true |
Include boundary targets for no saturation for blocks which are set to saturate on integer overflow. |
CoverageBoundaryRelops |
0, false, 1, true |
Track boundary coverage for relational operators. |
CoverageBoundaryRelopsFloat |
0, false, 1, true |
Track boundary value coverage for relational operators operating on floating point values. |
CoverageBoundaryRelopsFloatEqual |
0, false, 1, true |
Track boundary value coverage for the ‘equal’ case of relational operators operating on floating point values. |
CoverageBoundaryRelopsFloatEps |
double or ‘next’ |
Relative tolerance to use when tracking boundary value coverage for relational operators operating on floating point values. |
CoverageValidatorDiagramsInternal |
0, false, 1, true |
Toggles whether or not the targets within diagram-based Validator Objectives are tracked. The objective itself (assertion or UDT) is tracked even when the targets within the objective are not. |
CDecisionMetric |
‘ifwhilefor’, ‘branching’, ‘nonstatic’ |
Set the criteria used to decide if a C expression is a decision. The possible values are interpreted as follows:
25.4. C Code#
Parameters set in the C Code pane of the Info File Editor.
Parameter Name |
Allowed Values |
Description |
‘off’, ‘cumulative’, ‘separate’ |
Default S-Function source code coverage tracking behavior. |
0, false, 1, true |
Create and use cache files for C code (files with extension ’.rso’). |
25.5. Callbacks#
Parameters set in the Callbacks pane of the Info File Editor.
Parameter Name |
Allowed Values |
Description |
string |
MATLAB commands to execute before loading the model. |
string |
MATLAB commands to execute after loading the model but before type inference. |
25.6. Search Path#
Parameters set in the Search Path pane of the Info File Editor.
Parameter Name |
Allowed Values |
Description |
LibraryPath |
string |
Model-specific library search path. This gets added to the global search path when processing the model. It must be a semicolon-separated list of directories. Do not use quotes. |