22. Reactis Report Configuration#

22.1. rsReportConfig#

Create a report configuration.

22.1.1. Syntax#

cfgId = rsReportConfig()
cfgId = rsReportConfig(items, summaryMetrics, detailMetrics, detailStatus)

22.1.2. Description#

cfgId = rsReportConfig()

creates a report configuration using all default settings.

cfgId = rsReportConfig(items, summaryMetrics, detailMetrics, detailStatus)

creates a report configuration using the given settings.

items is a cell array of strings containing any combination of the following items:


Include current date.


Include full paths for all files.


Include a table of contents.


Include summary statistics for each test: test number, test name, number of steps, errors, warnings, differences.


Include coverage information.


Include function call count for C functions.


Include a list of excluded coverage targets.


Include a list of simulation control parameters.


Include plots of inputs for all tests.


Include plots of outputs for tests with differences.


Include plots of outputs for tests without any differences.


Input plots of test points for tests with differences.


Include plots of test points for tests without any differences.


Include a table listing the targets that were covered on each test step.


Create a separate HTML file for each test.


Include all of the above.


Include ExportDate, FilePaths, TableOfContents, Summary, Coverage, FunctionCalls, ExcludedTargetsList and SimParameters.

summaryMetrics specifies a list of coverage metrics to be included in the summary section of the report.

detailMetrics specifies a list of coverage metrics to be included in the detail section of the report. Note that metrics included in the detail section will automatically be included in the summary section.

summaryMetrics and detailMetrics are cell arrays of strings containing any combination of Coverage Metric Names and Assertion Category Names or the special names All (includes all metrics) or Default (includes all but MCC).

detailStatus is a cell array of strings containing any combination of the following items:


Include covered targets.


Include uncovered targets.


Include unreachable targets.


Include all of the above.


Include all of the above.

cfgId is a scalar integer valued double that identifies the report configuration when calling other rsReport* API functions.

22.1.3. Examples#

rptid = rsReportConfig('Default', ...
                       {'Condition', 'Decision', 'Branch'}, ...
                       {'Condition', 'Decision', 'Branch'}, ...

22.1.4. See Also#

rsSimRunSuite, rsTester, rsTesterStart, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.2. rsReportConfigClose#

Close a report configuration.

22.2.1. Syntax#


22.2.2. Description#

rsReportConfigClose(cfgId) closes the report configuration identified by cfgId and releases any memory allocated with it.

22.2.3. See Also#


22.3. rsReportConfigGetGlobalDefault#

Create a report configuration using global default values.

22.3.1. Syntax#

cfgId = rsReportConfigGetGlobalDefault

22.3.2. Description#

cfgId = rsReportConfigGetGlobalDefault

creates a report configuration using global default settings, which is identified by cfgId.

22.3.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigSetGlobalDefault, rsReportConfigClose

22.4. rsReportConfigGetItems#

Get items included in report configuration.

22.4.1. Syntax#

items = rsReportConfigGetItems(cfgId)

22.4.2. Description#

items = rsReportConfigGetItems(cfgId)

returns a cell array of strings listing all items included in coverage report configuration cfgId. The possible items are:


Include current date.


Include full paths for all files.


Include a table of contents.


Include summary statistics for each test: test number, test name, number of steps, errors, warnings, differences.


Include coverage information.


Include function call count for C functions.


Include a list of excluded coverage targets.


Include a list of simulation control parameters.


Include plots of inputs for all tests.


Include plots of outputs for tests with differences.


Include plots of outputs for tests without any differences.


Input plots of test points for tests with differences.


Include plots of test points for tests without any differences.


Include a table listing the targets that were covered on each test step.


Create a separate HTML file for each test.

22.4.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.5. rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics#

Get summary metrics in report configuration.

22.5.1. Syntax#

summaryMetrics = rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics(cfgId)

22.5.2. Description#

summaryMetrics = rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics(cfgId)

returns a cell array of strings (Coverage Metric Names and Assertion Category Names) listing the summary metrics included in report configuration cfgId.

22.5.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.6. rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics#

Get detail metrics in report configuration.

22.6.1. Syntax#

detailMetrics = rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics(cfgId)

22.6.2. Description#

detailMetrics = rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics(cfgId)

returns a cell array of strings (Coverage Metric Names and Assertion Category Names) the detail metrics included in report configuration cfgId.

22.6.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.7. rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus#

Get detail status in report configuration.

22.7.1. Syntax#

detailStatus = rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus(cfgId)

22.7.2. Description#

detailStatus = rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus(cfgId)

returns a cell array of strings describing the coverage status items to be included for each coverage target in the Coverage Details section of the report configuration. Each coverage status item string is one of the following:


Include covered targets.


Include uncovered targets.


Include unreachable targets.


Include all of the above.


Include all of the above.

22.7.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.8. rsReportConfigGetDiffLimit#

Get the limit on the number of difference details which will appear in a report.

22.8.1. Syntax#

limit = rsReportConfigGetDiffLimit(cfgId)

22.8.2. Description#

limit = rsReportConfigGetDiffLimit(cfgId)

sets limit to the limit on the number of differences which will appear in a report generated using the configuration identified by cfgId.

22.8.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigSetDiffLimit, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus

22.9. rsReportConfigSetGlobalDefault#

Save a report configuration as the global default.

22.9.1. Syntax#


22.9.2. Description#


saves the report configuration identified by cfgId as the new global default.

22.9.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigGetGlobalDefault

22.10. rsReportConfigSetItems#

Set items included in report configuration.

22.10.1. Syntax#

rsReportConfigSetItems(cfgId, items)

22.10.2. Description#

rsReportConfigSetItems(cfgId, items)

sets items to include in report configuration to items, a cell array of strings containing any combination of the following:


Include current date.


Include full paths for all files.


Include a table of contents.


Include summary statistics for each test: test number, test name, number of steps, errors, warnings, differences.


Include coverage information.


Include function call count for C functions.


Include a list of excluded coverage targets.


Include a list of simulation control parameters.


Include plots of inputs for all tests.


Include plots of outputs for tests with differences.


Include plots of outputs for tests without any differences.


Input plots of test points for tests with differences.


Include plots of test points for tests without any differences.


Include a table listing the targets that were covered on each test step.


Create a separate HTML file for each test.


Include all of the above.


Include ExportDate, FilePaths, TableOfContents, Summary, Coverage, FunctionCalls, ExcludedTargetsList and SimParameters.

22.10.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.11. rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics#

Set summary metrics in report configuration.

22.11.1. Syntax#

rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics(cfgId, summaryMetrics)

22.11.2. Description#

rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics(cfgId, summaryMetrics)

sets metrics to include in the summary of the report configuration to summaryMetrics, a cell array of strings containing any combination of Coverage Metric Names, Assertion Category Names, All (includes all metrics), or Default (includes all metrics except MCC).

22.11.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.12. rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics#

Set detail metrics in report configuration.

22.12.1. Syntax#

rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics(cfgId, detailMetrics)

22.12.2. Description#

rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics(cfgId, detailMetrics)

set the list of metrics for which detailed coverage information will be reported to detailMetrics, a cell array of strings containing any combination of Coverage Metric Names, Assertion Category Names, All (includes all metrics), or Default (includes all metrics except MCC).

22.12.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.13. rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus#

Set detail status in report configuration.

22.13.1. Syntax#

rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus(cfgId, detailStatus)

22.13.2. Description#

rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus(cfgId, detailStatus)

sets the coverage status items to be included for each coverage target in the Coverage Details section of the report configuration to detailStatus, a cell array of strings containing any combination of the following:


Include covered targets.


Include uncovered targets.


Include unreachable targets.


Include all of the above.


Include all of the above.

22.13.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetItems, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.14. rsReportConfigSetDiffLimit#

Set the limit on the number of difference details included in coverage report configuration.

22.14.1. Syntax#

rsReportConfigGetItems(cfgId, n)

22.14.2. Description#

rsReportConfigGetItems(cfgId, n)

sets the limit of the number of difference details in reports generated using the report configuration identified by cfgId to n.

22.14.3. See Also#

rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigClose, rsReportConfigGetDiffLimit, rsReportConfigSetItems, rsReportConfigGetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigSetSummaryMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigSetDetailMetrics, rsReportConfigGetDetailStatus, rsReportConfigSetDetailStatus

22.15. rsRsiGetDefaultReportConfig#

Get the default report configuration from an .rsi file.

22.15.1. Syntax#

cfgId = rsRsiGetDefaultReportConfig(rsiId)

22.15.2. Description#

cfgId = rsRsiGetDefaultReportConfig(rsiId)

retrieves the default report configuration from the .rsi file identified by rsiId. cfgId is the identifier for the retrieved report configuration.

22.15.3. See Also#

rsRsiOpen, rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigGetGlobalDefault

22.16. rsRsiSetDefaultReportConfig#

Save a report configuration as the default for an .rsi file.

22.16.1. Syntax#

rsRsiSetDefaultReportConfig(rsiId, cfgId)

22.16.2. Description#

rsRsiSetDefaultReportConfig(rsiId, cfgId)

saves the report configuration identified by cfgId as the new default for the .rsi file identified by rsiId.

22.16.3. See Also#

rsRsiOpen, rsReportConfig, rsReportConfigSetGlobalDefault