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Reactis API V2022

Reactis API (C Bindings):
API C Types

RsCoverageMetricBit-mask type used to represent Reactis coverage metrics.
RsExtractFlagsUsed to specify flags when extracting subsystems.
RsReportItemBit-mask type used to select Reactis test execution report items.
RsSeverityBit-mask type used to represent the severity of a message.
RsTargetStatusBit-mask type used to represent the status of a coverage target.
Other TypesVarious abstract types used by the API.


Bit-mask type used to represent Reactis coverage metrics.

Individual Coverage Metric Constants of Type RsCoverageMetric

The string column lists the result of converting the corresponding constant to a string.

RsCvgSubsystem"Subsystem" Subsystem coverage metric.
RsCvgBranch "Branch" Branch coverage metric.
RsCvgState "State" Stateflow state coverage metric.
RsCvgConditionAction"ConditionAction"Stateflow condition action coverage metric.
RsCvgTransitionAction"TransitionAction"Stateflow transition action coverage metric.
RsCvgCSEPT"CSEPT"CSEPT coverage metric.
RsCvgDecision"Decision"Decision coverage metric.
RsCvgCondition"Condition"Condition coverage metric.
RsCvgMCDC"MCDC"MC/DC coverage metric.
RsCvgMCC"MCC"MCC coverage metric.
RsCvgBoundary"Boundary"Boundary coverage metric.
RsCvgUserTarget"UserTarget" User-defined target coverage metric.
RsCvgAssertion"Assertion"Assertion coverage metric.
RsCvgCStatement"CStatement"C statement coverage metric.
RsCvgEMLStatement"EmlStatement"EML statement coverage metric.

Group Coverage Metric Constants

RsCvgAllThe set of all coverage metrics.
RsCvgNone The empty set.
RsCvgDefault The default set of coverage metrics. Includes all metrics except MCC.

Other Related Constants

RsCvgNumThe number of individual coverage metrics.


Used to specify flags when extracting subsystems.

Constants of Type RsExtractFlags

RsExtractTrigger If the extracted subsystem is triggered, then also extract the part of the source model that creates the trigger signal. Otherwise a top-level input port will be created for the trigger signal.
RsExtractSetInportTypes Set types of inputs in extracted model to match the types of the corresponding inputs from the extracted subsystem.
RsExtractSetInportSample Set sample rates of inputs in extracted model to match the rates of the corresponding inputs from the extracted subsystem.
RsExtractSetOutportTypes Set types of outputs in extracted model to match the types of the corresponding outputs from the extracted subsystem.
RsExtractSetOutportSample Set sample rates of outputs in extracted model to match the rates of the corresponding outputs from the extracted subsystem.


Bit-mask type used to select Reactis test execution report items.

Individual Report Item Constants of Type RsReportItem

The string column lists the result of converting the corresponding constant to a string.

RsRptExportDate "ExportDate" The time/date section of a report.
RsRptFilePaths "FilePaths" The file paths section of a report.
RsRptTableOfContents "TableOfContents" The table of contents of a report.
RsRptSummary "Summary" The execution summary section of a report.
RsRptFunCalls "FunCalls" The function call counts section of a report.
RsRptCoverage "Coverage" The test coverage section of a report.
RsRptPlotInputs "InputPlots" The report section containing plots of input signals.
RsRptPlotTestPointDiff "TestpointDiffPlots" The report section containing plots for test points that have at least one step in which the computed value for the test point differs from the value stored in the test by more than the specified tolerance.
RsRptPlotTestPointsNoDiff "TestpointNoDiffPlots" The report section containing plots for test points that have no steps in which the computed value for the test point differs from the value stored in the test by more than the specified tolerance.
RsRptPlotOutputsDiff "OutputDiffPlots" The report section containing plots for outputs that have at least one step in which the computed value for the output differs from the value stored in the test by more than the specified tolerance.
RsRptPlotOutputsNoDiff "OutputNoDiffPlots" The report section containing plots for outputs that have no steps in which the computed value for the output differs from the value stored in the test by more than the specified tolerance.
RsRptStoreTestsInSeparateFiles "StoreTestsInSeparateFiles" Cause Reactis to create a separate HTML file for each test in the test suite and store the information (e.g. errors, differences, plots) for that test in the separate file. A link to each test file is included in the top-level report.

Group Report Item Constants

RsRptAll The set of all report items
RsRptNone The empty set.
RsRptDefaultThe default set of report items. (Equivalent to RsRptAll .)
RsRptPlotTestPointsAll Include plots for all test points (both those with differences and no differences).
RsRptPlotOutputsAll Include plots for all outputs (both those with differences and no differences).

Related Constants

RsRptNumThe number of individual report items.


Bit-mask type used to represent the severity of a message.

Individual Severity Constants

The string column lists the result of converting the corresponding constant to a string.

RsSevNote "Note" Message is a not an error.
RsSevWarning "Warning" Message is a potential error.
RsSevError "Error" Message is a definite error.

Group Severity Constants

RsSevAllThe set of all message severities.
RsSevNoneThe empty set.

Other Constants

RsSevNumThe number of individual severity values.


Bit-mask type used to represent the status of a coverage target.

Individual Target Status Constants

The string column lists the result of converting the corresponding constant to a string.

RsTgtCovered "Covered" Target is covered.
RsTgtUncovered "Uncovered" Target is not covered.
RsTgtUnreachable "Unreachable" Target is unreachable.

Group Target Status Constants

RsTgtAll The set of all target statuses.
RsTgtNone The empty set.
RsTgtDefault The default set of target statuses. (Equivalent to RsTgtAll.)

Other Target Status Constants

RsTgtNumThe number of individual target status values.

Other Types

Various abstract types used by the API.

RsHandleUsed to manage Reactis API sessions.
RsReportConfigUsed to configure Reactis test execution reports.
RsRsiFileUsed to access Reactis info files.
RsSimReactis Simulator session type.
RsTesterReactis Tester session type.
RsTestSuiteUsed to access Reactis test suites.